Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Filling the World With Negativity

Oh, my gosh....I've been reading FB comments on a particular picture. I guess I really shouldn't bother with reading the comments, but curiosity killed the cat, you know. Why do people put such negative thoughts out there? Is everyone angry these days? Certain people are trashed no matter what they do. They are blamed for everything under the sun. They just have to blink and something bad is written, accompanied by a picture. The media looks for the most horrendous picture of the individual and puts it out there to accent a negative writing about said person. People seem to enjoy passing on negative information without even checking the authenticity. They receive an offensive email and dash to the keys to send it on to their friends. People are quick to blame...."Not my fault." FB is a public forum.... it gives people courage to say what they wouldn't say to your face. I love FB because I enjoy seeing pictures of family members and also reading posts about things I'm interested in. I've enjoyed several recipes that were posted as well. I only put family pictures there and pictures of flowers etc. I guess my contribution would seem uninteresting to those who love to paint a negative picture of another person. It seems that no one is worried about the way they look to other people. Putting their negativity out there makes them look bad to others. Who would want a friend or and employee who fills the world with lies?


  1. When a blog becomes negative, I become "gone"!! Same with Facebook.


  2. I'm the same way. Sometimes I'll give it a chance and just disregard what was said, but too much of it isn't what I come here to read.

  3. Ugh, I hate negativity and drama.

  4. I don't understand why so many people are so angry and negative. I am trying to avoid all that "bad-mouthing" but it is so common. Being anonymous may give them a feeling of power - or something! Glad there are many of us who don't like it and I am going to stay positive. (I do my share of griping about things I think are wrong and wish I could make them right - but only in the privacy of home!)

  5. I am not a fan of facebook. Twice my son has had his identity stolen off facebook. Their security is too lax. I do check it just to see what is going on in the lives of my friends but I seldom post there. And my son took his account down after the second incident.
