Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Monday, July 28, 2014

Heaven is For Real

We just watched the movie, "Heaven is for Real." We really enjoyed it and know that it has a big audience. We all wonder about Heaven...but we will not know until the end. Except for certain people who claim to have seen it in an experience where they have died for a moment on the operating table or some other life-death experience. I have to say that I am always a bit skeptical, but this movie made me a little less. A small boy of four, has an experience that he nonchalantly mentions, after surviving a ruptured appendix. His story is pretty convincing, because he tells things that he could never have known. Telling things just matter of fact as he goes through his normal days. His revelations astound his preacher father.This film opens the door to the reality of heaven and the love of God. Through the eyes of this tiny boy we catch a glimpse of our God who promises an eternal home.  

I remember back years and years ago, my mother had a partial gastrectomy.She was in surgery for a long time. As she was coming to...she spoke of the light, that so many claim to have seen. We thought it must have been due to the anesthetic. She claimed to have had a spiritual experience until she passed away years later.

I don't know what you think will happen after your death. My faith is simple. I know that there is a home in Heaven waiting for me. It's something that guides me in everything I do. I think that God directs my life. When I have positive thoughts...that's God to me. When I do something good for someone...that's God's influence working. When I feel a presence in Church...God is there. It gives me comfort in my living and I have no fear of death.

The cast of characters really make this movie believable. The little boy, who plays the part of Colton...will just melt your heart. We enjoyed it and Joe read the book in an afternoon. 


  1. I have heard that the book and movie are very good ! Glad to hear another good report :)

    1. t's a small book and the movie sticks to the book pretty well...joe says. We enjoyed it although it might not be everyone's cup of tea.

  2. I had read the book and knew I had to see the movie---and now--I have the DVD to watch anytime. I have to think the little boy's experience was real--because, he was too young to know any of the "people" he met, or even realize he had an extraordinary experience. It all seemed so normal to him--as it would to a young child. I have never had a fear of death, as I had a similar experience as Colton, when I was 12--only I didn't go to heaven. I am not afraid of death, but I do worry about the dying part.

    1. I am concerned about being ill. I've seen so many in my family suffer so.

  3. I have not seen the movie but hear good reviews. Like you, I am thankful for an Eternal Home in Heaven.
