Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Busy, Busy

Busy house today. I'm in the process of changing the closet over from winter to spring and summer. Joe's outside hooking up the hose caddy and getting the garden hoses ready for the watering season.
Changing the closets is my least favorite matter how I do's a chore. I store some things downstairs and have tried to alleviate going up and down so much by thinning out my clothes to just what I wear now. Every year, I check out what I need, which isn't much this year. Even keeping fewer's still nice to have somethings that are fresh and new. My clothes may be new to others, but I know them....So, it's back to my job...I'll come back later and sit here and rest....then write a little more.In the's back to work. Bean soup cooking on the stove.
After I posted this...I looked at it and then looked up and saw the quote about simplifying. I have to remember this as I work on things here in the house...and outside. As I age....I must simplify. Joe just came in and said, "Boy, am I tired. I get tired just doing the simplest things." I feel much the same way...we can't do what we did or with the speed that we used to do things. Why can't we get this in our old gray heads? Simplify.... a good word for those growing older.


  1. You are so correct, Balisha. We really need to simplify our lives at our age.

    1. I'm trying, but sometimes it's not so easy. Things just seem to multiply and then I'm rushing around again. How do we simplify...I want to know the answer to that question...

  2. Replies
    1. I enjoy reading your blog, so much. We have so many of the same thoughts. I had a copy of "Fear:Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm" by Thich Naht Hanh on my coffee table. I believe you have one too. My grandson noticed it and asked if I was enjoying it. He said that he had heard of it and thought it might be interesting to read. He's in high school and I was surprised that he knew of it.

  3. I saw a household hint on TV. It said to put all your hangers backwards. As you wear something, put the hook on the rod the right way. At the end of the season, all the clothes still hanging on backwards hangers go to the thrift shop. I just might try that...although backwards hangers are going to drive me nuts!!!


    1. Sounds like a good idea.My closet is so pared down....most things I wear. I just have a problem with storage and making the seasonal switch.
