Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Sunday, October 19, 2014

We Had a Date With 1040 lbs. of Turkey

After Mass last night we hurried over to the United Church of Byron. Many people from our Church were on their way over too. It was the night that the United members were having their turkey feast. They do this every year, but Joe and I hadn't ever been. There were cars parked everywhere, but somehow Joe and I got a close one. We entered the doorway and could smell the heavenly :) smell of turkey cooking. They took us into their sanctuary and lined us up in rows of 10. The dinner had been going on for a little while and we had to wait for the first group to finish. We chuckled as each member of our Church came in the door. After a short wait, it was our turn. The smell of turkey intensified as we neared the huge room full of people. Our table was waiting...round table to seat 10, snow white cloth, white china, silver wrapped with a burgundy napkin, pretty fall centerpiece and padded chairs. Each table had a server and other servers floated around as needed. Our host was very gracious and welcomed us to the Church. We were seated with some young firefighters from our town. One of the men had his wife and little girl with him. I asked if they had been there before and was told that they like to support the local Churches. The meal was served family style. The server started the meal with fresh cranberry sauce and homemade coleslaw. While we were filling our plates the rest of the meal came.. real mashed potatoes, gravy in insulated white pitchers, fresh green beans, dressing piled high, and the star of the night....a big platter of hot turkey. I noticed that many of the serving bowls were antiques. We kept the server quite busy....firefighters and Joe have big appetites :) Everything was piping hot and they served as much as you wanted to eat. When the meal was over there was a pumpkin dessert and the servers were kept busy passing whipped cream. Hot coffee, water, white and chocolate milk were available. I can't say enough about the way this Church handled the dinner. You could tell that they were pros...and so many Church members helping out from the kitchen, to the carry out room, to the many many servers running back and forth to keep plates full and people happy. I can't forget the planning committee.I asked how many turkeys they prepared.....40....26lb. turkeys. I have worked in the Church kitchen so much in my past. I know what a big undertaking this was. So many dedicated people making light of the work they do. If you want a good meal....go to a Church dinner in your area. Church cooks are the best....


  1. Church cooks are the best. Many soup suppers going on here currently with German food featured through October before we begin the turkey feasts! Thanks for sharing.

  2. That's so correct! I've never been to a bad church dinner!

  3. That is so right and a great way to meet people in your community. It sounds very good.

  4. I agree - our youth group puts on pasta dinners during lent that are great!

  5. This sounds wonderful. I think I am salivating by now. LOL time to get some breakfast...
