Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A No Plan Kind of Day

I tried to lighten this picture up and messed up the view out the window. You'll just have to close your eyes to the brightness out the window. The geraniums that I brought in are doing well. Very few leaves have turned brown. Looks like I will have a window full of geraniums this winter.
Speaking of out my window...there's a small finch like bird on my feeder right now that has a soft orange patch between the wings on his back, finch like markings, and a very soft orange breast. I don't know what it is. He's traveling with finches. This fruit and nut seed assortment is attracting some different birds. The old visitors are learning to enjoy it. 
There are leaves down all over the yard right now. Our lawnmower man just mulches them. You might find this funny.....when Joe asked me to marry him there was a stipulation on my part. I had lived in a house with trees all around. I spent hours each fall raking and bagging these leaves. It was a given... each day, that raking would be involved.....unless it rained. If it was worse...had to wait until the leaves dried to rake again. Back to the stipulation....I was promised that I would never have to rake....and he's kept that promise. We laugh about it every fall as the leaves come down. 
Today is pool day. We went yesterday and just a couple of people were there. When they left, Joe and I were the only ones in the pool. When our time was up...two little toddlers came in with their moms. One went right into the water, splashing and cute. The other, a little girl, was more hesitant. She and her mom got used to the water first and then went all the way in. The little girl is having private lessons. They were so much fun to watch that we stayed on the sidelines watching them for quite a while. I love this routine that we have now. Swimming is doing us both a world of good. When I say swimming, I don't mean doing laps. We do exercises in the water....Joe does water walking and I combine that  with other exercises. I try to keep moving all the time I'm in the water. We use the hot tub too. We only stay in a little really relaxes much so, that I have a hard time getting any work done when I get home :)
No plans for meals today. I really don't like having no plans. Hopefully I'll come up with an idea. We just had poached eggs for breakfast, so that will hold us for a long time.
Well, I had better get ready to go. 
Maybe later...


  1. Everything looks simply lovely, Balisha!

  2. Cute deal on the leaves! I just mow ours too, but we don't get a lot. I toss them on the flower beds if I can.
    Hope those geraniums give you some winter color. I have all my plants in now too!
