Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Thursday, March 13, 2014


The DMV by Balisha

This early morning found me lying in my bed..
Today was the day I had come to dread.
It was time to renew my license to drive,
My birthday, quite soon, and I'm still alive.
I dressed pretty slowly and then ate my meal..
The nerves were there... ones I could feel.
As I left the house... Joe smiled at me..
I opened the car door and turned the key.
Fastened my seat belt..the wheel I squeezed..
I followed the rules from A to Z.
When I got to the place... where I needed to be..
My body relaxed and I went in like a breeze.
I answered the questions and followed the girl..
She jumped in the car and I gave the engine a whirl.
We entered a street with stop signs and more,
The alley was next...  I backed out like a pro.
I turned when told and passed a car way ahead,
I parked downhill....this one filled me with dread.
As I returned to the spot... where I'd started before..
She said, "YOU PASSED,"....with a perfect score.
We'll see you in four... as I went out the door..
Four more years to earn another good score.
So, there I was... with my keys in my grip..
My head was so full of ideas for trips...
I could go anywhere....but where did I go?...
Right to my house to tell this to Joe.



  1. I enjoyed this. Way to go!!! Hope you will have a nice evening.

  2. Good for you, Balisha! I knew you would do fine!

  3. Ahhhh...the dreaded visit to the DMV. I am glad that it worked out well for you, and now you can wait for four more years. Loved your poem! :D

    (Thanks for your visit to Thinking About Home!)

  4. So far, I haven't had to take a driving test since I was 16. We just take the question and answer test, but....maybe when we get older we have to take the driving test--I don't know. I would have been nervous too!!!

  5. I hadn't taken the test since I first started driving. So, my time had arrived. I didn't have to take the written one, because there wasn't anything on my record. After all the years of driving....we all pick up some bad habits. I heard so many stories about crabby testing people....mean spirited workers etc. They couldn't have been nicer. As I said, I was nervous all the way there, but when I got there...the nervousness just left.

  6. Yeah! I'd need some practice before I felt ready to be graded on my parallel parking - I get it done but it's not always pretty:)
