Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Sunday, December 7, 2014

No, This Isn't Santa's Workshop

I woke early yesterday and started wrapping gifts. We have a blended there are lots of gifts to be wrapped. Thankyou, thankyou.... for gift bags and tissue paper. It took this Elf four and a half hours to wrap all of this. We give gift cards and money to many, but there are some who love to open a present...especially picked out for them. I try to listen during the what people are interested in.....getting a feeling for what they would like for a present. We have several little ones and they love to rip into a present and be surprised. Our littlest angel this year is growing so fast....hard to believe that next year she will be joining in and opening her own gifts.
Our Christmas plans are made and with Mother Nature's help...we will fill the days ahead with lots of fun. 
Today started with frosting some cookies. I don't know what we are going to do later on. We went to Mass last night, so our day is free. 

Have a nice day today,


  1. I have to wrap every present--I don't use gift bags, because want to see them tear off the paper. With a gift bag, they have opened it before I even notice. We used to take turns opening, now we don't and I miss that tradition.

    1. We did that a couple of years, but when the family got so big....we could still be there opening last year's gifts. We have so many to buy for that I really appreciate an easier way. The little kids are we can watch them rip into their gifts.

  2. Four and half hours is a lot of wrapping!! Mark and I have a system... as an engineer he gets the job of wrapping, as a teacher I get the job of writing tags. You can see that we play to our strengths.... Ha ha! Jx

    1. That's a great system! Joe was a he can be there to resuscitate me after the work. LOL

  3. Sure looks festive on your table! We've conquered shopping. I'm trying to decorate and wrapping soon after that. Still have cards to address! Enjoy all the preparations.

    1. I ordered cards for the first time this year. Tomorrow evening I'll address half of them. Joe already has his half done and in the mailbox.

  4. Looks festive but a lot of work. Merry Christmas, Balisha! (talk about me overdoing it) :)

    1. We are celebrating Christmas with my side of the family this weekend. Joe's will come the first week of Jan. We have a lot of family and as long as I am able, I'll be doing these gifts. I have cut down on outdoor and household decorations and Christmas baking.I am pretty much a homebody but I like to have time for visits with friends from the Church and lunch with other friends. Everything is done and now, I can relax.
