Simply Balisha

Simply Balisha

Monday, September 22, 2014

A Little Boy Made My Day

I'm on my way outside to do some fall cleanup, but first I wanted to mention a little boy named Brent. He and his "Oma" planted some purple hyacinth bean seeds, that I sent in the mail. He has patiently watched the seeds "buttons as he calls them" grow into vines, flower, and then watched as the pods formed.  This morning, as I went to read some blogs I found his "Oma's" post about the little boy and his summer project. Here's a link....please read's very cute.

I'll be back later with more on my day...Because of this little guy, my day started out just lovely.

An update...
Here I am at 6:30pm. I took a tiny nap after working on my fall cleanup. Joe trimmed the evergreens. They were left alone all throughout the summer season, to see if they would come back to the way they were before the winter damage. They look pretty good, but have some bare spots. We'll see what happens this winter and how they look in the spring.
While he was trimming....I set to work clearing out some of the dead stalks and branches in the front garden. I have nearly finished there, leaving the blooming things. I usually leave the lily stalks that have some fall yellow color and the seed heads from other plants that have bloomed their heads off, but this year I have to do the work when I feel good. Today was the day and I really cleared out some things I normally would have left. There's a lot to do yet, but a start was made.
Tomorrow is our pool day, so when I get home, I'll do a bit more. This week promises beautiful weather, so I'll have more opportunities to work out there.
How are things going in your yard? Have you started the fall cleanup? Do you decorate for fall? I'm going to do a bit more that in the last couple of years. I'll show you another time..


  1. I can see why this little boy made your day!! What a great way to learn so many things about gardening and life!

    1. Hi.....thanks for visiting. I just was at your blog and read your good news about your mom being moved to another floor. She will do so much better with the extra care that they can give her.The staff who work with residents in units like this... are really special people and treat everyone with calm loving care.

  2. Replies
    1. Isn't he a cutie? He's been such a curious kid in regard to those seeds. Love that last picture of him.

  3. I have to trim that darn trumpet vine every two weeks all through the summer...have done some other trimming ( rose of of them ) and various bushes here and there. The purple rose of sharon is next on the list. The garden veggies are still going to town and so is everything else so I have to wait...when the first frost hits there will be alot of work ! :)

  4. Yes, it's beautiful here today too, definitely fall in the air! I'm going to put on my garden gloves and go pick up some sticks and trims around the yard. Have a productive afternoon. :-)

  5. It's quite windy here in West Texas today...not a good one for outside work. Son and daughter in law mowed yesterday and glad they did.
    Take care..:)

  6. Brent and his sister were over here today and too funny...I did read to him what you said, which then gave him a new enthusiasm for harvesting the you know these kids have an entire bag full, and they are either going to sell them, or I am to sew little Christmas stockings and we'll put beans in them for people as gifts. the time these kids are done we'll have to open a bean store!
    Meanwhile in my comments section, a reader said that she heard that they were poisonous, and another reader who is a master gardener and chef had a very long interesting response to that. And duh, it never occurred to me that they were edible! :)
